Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Light and Lights

Light and Lights

Ye are the light of the world.
Matthew, 5:14

Dear Friends,

Are we suns or moons?  As moons, we would reflect or channel an outside light.  As suns, we would be self-radiant.

Depending on personality, perhaps on upbringing, perhaps on a tradition or philosophy, we will see ourselves as one or the other or both.

For today's solstice meditation, we will practice being suns.  

We can acknowledge the darkness within ourselves and our world. We can acknowledge also that we would be nothing without the sources and accompaniments that have brought us here and sustained us.  Yet in spite of all miseries, and in addition to external lights, we are ourselves unique and original fires.  "Be a love," my South African aunt used to say, "and fetch me the teapot."  As she knew, we were already loves.  The combination of who you always are, along with this particular life and moment, and ignited by your current intention, make you a singular, unrepeatable earthly-heavenly source, the illumination and warmth of every instant's unrepeatable event.  Because we are "the light of the world" in two senses at least, meaning both, "lighting the world up," and "the light that is the world."

Today, we'll practice our sun-likeness in various ways, including metta, the development of energetic radiance, and subtle activism.  But what are all these funny terms?  I don't have a great way to say what we're about.  In our group practice it all becomes clear.  I still like the simple way Jack Grapes put in a poem years ago, speaking of himself as a representative of humanity, an average Jill or Joe:

Jack is a deed of light.

with love,

The Magic Hand of Chance

The Magic Hand of Chance

