Dear Friends,
In our work for the sake of the earth, we have to be strong. Strong to face new and difficult turns of climate; strong to show up for various actions; strong to collaborate with all kinds of folks and forces without getting blown away.
But what is this strength?
Today, we'll take a step back from our work of energetically healing and collaboration with the world around us, and instead focus on a few key aspects of strength.
We'll each come into harmonizing alignment with the various aspects of ourselves, earthly and heavenly. When we align within ourselves, we can come into resonance with pretty well any aspect of the world.
We'll work on our most fundamental power, that of attention. It is a strange strength. As attention grows you become more present, but you also disappear. (When my attention is weak, I notice myself; when my attention is strong, I only notice that to which I am attending).
We'll practice our interconnectedness as a group. This is an invisible and silent connection, a subtle and living thing among us. Like all our work, it is about a deed we perform during the hour, not about group beliefs or group membership.
Although our focus today is not subtle activism, we do need to do something with the energy that will build through these various strengthenings. Otherwise it is a case of, "all dressed up and nowhere to go." So we'll spend our alignment and attention and interconnectedness on individually chosen themes: one of us may send good will to an ailing friend; one of us may send it to a political or military or ecological trouble spot on the earth, and so on.
Next week, we'll unify this last step collectively: we will all offer our heightened energy to a single, earth-based theme that we choose as a group at the start of the session.
with love,